Are Your Workflows Leading to Investor Falloff?
Alto talks about the necessity of streamlining the investment process and how to keep investors engaged by removing friction and burnout from burdensome asks.
Video Transcript
Kate Mellinger: And so when you're looking at crowdfunding deals or portals, one thing you'll notice that's different between that and maybe private equity or venture fund is the need for accreditation documents and information. And depending on whether or not you're just collecting those manually over email, or you're using a streamlined service like WealthBlock, that can be a real friction point for investors. Right? They're having to upload passport or do like a net worth income test. All that information sometimes can create headache for the investor and lead to investor fall off. The other point I would add there is that depending on the underlying deal, whether it's on a crowdfunding platform, whether it's Reg. A Or a venture fund, or like something brought forward from a syndicate, those deals move really quickly. So if you are wanting to close quickly and also convert interested investors, you're going to have to collect signatures as quickly as possible and fill the allocation.
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If you think about an elegant solution of keeping resources organized, being more efficient, and a manager that may not have the time or the team to manage 50 investors, you have to herd these cats, so to speak, into one area and get the deal done. I think WealthBlock is that solution.
Chris Shen
Founder, Revere