The Two Things You Need to Remember in Capital Raise Marketing

Maria Poly talks about her top marketing tips from the front lines of capital raising.

Video Transcript

Maria Poly: Being very short in their communication, I noticed that GP as usual, are very knowledgeable guys and they like to put as much information as they could, but there are literally just two things that you want to know, we want to give them a small piece of information for them to make a decision, to get another one and two, a clear call to action. So I know it is that's also in marketing and helps to be respectful to someone's time. That's why it's important to keep the database together, because if you see that there is no match for what you do, just reduce the number of emails that you send to them.

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We have been with WealthBlock since they started their company. Their software has helped us grow our company from a small two person consulting firm into a multi city Investment Bank. More impressive than the software product is their people. Skilled in their crafts, professional presence, and just a good group of people. We have been very happy with our relationship with everyone at WealthBlock.

Michael Cavanaugh

Founder, Regiment

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