Old School Vs. New School: Why Tech is a Win for Everyone in the Capital Raise Game

Join us as FarmFundr discusses how tech can help reduce friction for both the tech-savvy and those who embrace a more hands-on-paper approach.

Video Transcript

Seth Gordon: So, you know, you talked a lot about, you know, you liked the idea of a rig, a very user-friendly interface, something that looks nice, let's put ourselves in the shoes of an investor. You know, before this platform or digitization of, of, you know, offerings was available, it was a very manual process. So, you know, how do you think this is impacting them?

Clearly it's something that we do a lot of bots on our end and a lot of, you know, sort of tinkering with the platform on our end to make it very user-friendly for them. But, you know, how have you really tried to ease the process for them as well? Because, you know, some people just are not receptive.

They would prefer things done manually. They would prefer to manually sign something and send you a check as opposed to it being done digitally. So how have you sort of encountered that or have you encountered it and people have just been really receptive to it?

Hilary Mathias: You know, it's funny that you ask that, because we do see especially the last deal that we closed. There's a good variety of people who, like for example, I had some people on there who like, they signed up for the site they read and they went on and they went, dah dah dah like, you know, through the steps and they invested.

You know, someone who's super tech savvy, I think really appreciates, and I have talked to some, you know, who have just said that they really appreciate the ease of use. You know, they didn't really have to engage with too many people. They just go right on the site and do it. But then I have some investors that are a little more old school and, you know, they want to send a check.

They want to, you know, review the document, maybe have a PDF, or you know, they're just a little more, hands-on. We've seen a variety of each, but for the most part everyone's been really receptive and adapted really well to that the style of, you know, investing online.

But yeah, we, we haven't hit any many roadblocks like blocks, I guess to kind of, I guess, mitigate questions or, or issues, or maybe people not really understanding the process, which isn't too many. Again, I kind of used the email feature to help that.

And that is like, if I see that they've reviewed the documents, but they haven't quite made that investment or they started the investment process, but didn't finish it. You know, I'm sending them an email that kind of just reiterates, you know, what they need to do to complete that step, you know, simply log into the portal, click invest now, and you'll be able to, or, you know, go here, go to documents, and know you'll be able to sign the document.

So it's been really easy to basically troubleshoot anything that anyone's run into. Most of it is just, they got busy. You're meant to come back to it. It hasn't been any issues with like the technology. So yeah, I find that the, the portal kind of allows for anyone really to use it. The check feature's interesting. A lot of people still prefer to send checks, which is fine. You know, the portal gave us a really easy way to make that an option just punching in the information and we haven't had any issues with that.

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Hilary Mathis

Director of Marketing, FarmFundr

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