How WealthBlock Supports the Three Ds: Discovery, Diligence, Deal

Revere VC discusses the importance of finding a technology platform solution that fully encompasses the "Three Ds" -- and how WealthBlock is an elegant answer.

Video Transcript

Seth Gordon: What was it that really inspired you to leverage the WealthBlock technology for Revere?

Chris Shen: You know, it's sort of a multi-pronged answer. You know, funny enough I had connected with Trillium separately almost last year when things were just getting started. And I didn't understand, I didn't appreciate the solution because, you know, Revere was sort of a different form when we started out. Right? We were doing more hands to, hand-to-hand combat and advisory. Just sort of getting around to the products that we build internally. Funny enough, my co-founder Eric stumbled upon it separately while looking for sort of data room solutions. You know, all the incumbents are there, Intralinks, DocSend, et cetera. We know them very well, right? Everyone uses them. But we thought that, you know, WealthBlock did a very interesting and very neat, unique job of, you know, we, we see it from discovery where, you know, you find an idea could be blockchain, it could be a consumer fund, it could be a European credit fund, the diligence, which, you know, full on documentation, talking to people, doing, you know, manager checks, et cetera, to the deal, right? The deal is basically KYC, accreditation you know, sort of getting an SPV in place, the structure in place, e-signing subscription documents LPAs and, you know, moving on to asset management, there is no solution out there that is basically encompassing these three D's, so to speak and sort of going from, you know, discovery to completion, there is none right? The other, the other players in different, you know, we looked at all of them, right? There are a lot of interesting people that do internal deal management for venture capital, for private equity, for different asset classes, there are sort of the obvious data rooms, et cetera, and whatever Google's doing today. Awesome. But if you think about the elegant solution of, you know, again, your point about keeping the resources in a day, being more efficient in, you know, a manager that, you know, may not have the time or the team to manage 50 investors, you know, you have to herd these cats, so to speak, into one sort of area and get the deal done. I think WealthBlock is that solution. And that's how, and that's how we're going, you know, with you guys and how we're going to stick with you.

Seth Gordon: Awesome. I love it.

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WealthBlock has surpassed our expectations in so many ways. We were in search of a platform that is aesthetically pleasing, easy to use for both our team and our members and that would simplify our deal flow for our investors. There is no doubt that WealthBlock met these needs and have exceeded them. They have been an absolute pleasure to work with, have helped us build a valuable network of like-minded professionals and are always surprising us with new features. This platform has and will continue to enhance our ability to grow.

Hilary Mathis

Director of Marketing, FarmFundr

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